Looking for a way to slow down time. <$BlogRSDURL$>
Looking for a way to slow down time.
Thursday, April 22, 2004
I didn't watch it. Saw it was on tho, and a part of me wanted to, but I couldn't, didn't want to face some feelings I guess. It's hard enough to write here, but then again...its like some nasty secret within myself that I want to feel ok about.All I know for sure with me, is that at that time, I didn't want to have that baby. The circumstance was wrong. And however disturbing it was and unsettling it is, when I think of it, I still know that was the situation.
I came out of hospital and I felt strongly that I knew it was wrong, but what could I do? I had made my decision, and nowdays, I can honestly say I dont wish I had that child, but its a truely horrible nasty thing to go through.
A woman needs to be able to make her own choices, for it is she that lives with the consequences either way.

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